What Is Gifted?
National Association for Gifted Children’s Parent Information summary…
Definitions of Giftedness by Judith Hewton
To find a satisfactory definition of giftedness it is necessary to understand its origins in the history of humankind… Terman’s longitudinal studies… the work of Hollingworth…
Characteristics of Giftedness by Linda Kreger Silverman
The characteristics associated with giftedness become apparent early in life. This list of descriptors has been used successfully…
Analogy Anthology
Many different analogies explaining gifted education…
Is It A Cheetah? by Stephanie S. Tolan
The classic essay on the characteristics of a gifted child in a regular classroom
Distinguishing Myths From Realities: NRC/GT Research Marcia Gentry and Marcia Gentry
Here’s a quiz to test the extent to which you can really identify what the research says…
What is a Gifted Child? – trying to define the beast
NSW Assn for Gifted & Talented Children Inc.
A good question to start with… follow the links to Characteristics for a great set of checklists, Article Index, and much more…
How Do I Know If My Is Child Gifted? from the TAGFAM home page
This is the $64,000 question, and Valorie King does a terrific job of answering it.